Knowledge transfer between science and higher education research and ministries of education and research
WiHoWiT - Knowledge transfer between science and higher education research and science ministries
Do the results of science and higher education research influence the work of science ministries and does this result in changes in the political design of the state higher education systems?
The WiHoWiT project sheds light on the current knowledge transfer between science and higher education research and the state ministries of science and asks about success factors for a mutual exchange of information between science and higher education researchers and ministry staff.
WiHoWiT is being carried out as a joint project with the HIS Institute for Higher Education Development (HIS-HE) in Hanover.
News from the project
Christmas greetings from the project team
Doc network of the BMBF funding line ‘Research for knowledge transfer’: First meeting in person
Successful presentations at the 19th annual conference of the GfHf in Hagen
Presentation at GfHf-conference 2024
BMBF Status Conference in Berlin
Online survey completed
Start of the online survey with science and higher education researchers
Snapshot: WiHoWiT at the Department Research Day
New publication by Björn Möller and Grit Würmseer
WiHoWiT present at the 2023 GfHf annual conference
Presentation at the GfHf conference 2023
Joint meeting
Project start
"WiHoWiT - Knowledge Transfer between Science and Higher Education Research and the Ministries of Science" is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research within the funding line "Research on Knowledge Transfer" from 01.08.2022 to 31.07.2025 under the funding code 16WIT018A.
More information on the funding line Research for Knowledge Transfer (in German).